Monday, June 4, 2012

Neh 8-11 - a short note on short-term housing

The readings - Days 147-148 - Nehemiah 8-11

Short post today.

A lot of people complain about sermons in church, and I suspect that that's been the case for quite some time. Maybe that's why it's so striking to me that the people of the newly-rebuilt Jerusalem call Ezra in to do nothing but read and comment on ("translate" according to the NASB) the books of the law - for days on end.

I also like the fact that so much significance is placed on the Feast of Booths. People essentially go camping on their rooftops in booths that the made themselves, and just live there instead of at home.

I'm not really a back-to-the-land-and-eschew-all-this-newfangled-technology-crap-dagnabbit type of people, but it is interesting that there seems to be something lastingly important about the temporary/transient nature of Israel's formation as a nation. Starting as a nomadic, desert-wandering tribe seems like it's foundational, and I can't help but notice that a lot more problems showed up when they got a king and a temple, etc, than when those things weren't actually there...

Told you it'd be a short post.

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